Homepage - Welcome to Universal Artists International!
Welcome to Universal Artists, International, where we provide both quantity and quality. It's our mission at Universal Artists, International to offer stimulating, scintillating, video and audio fare for viewers and listeners worldwide with discerning tastes. Effectively creating the world of tomorrow through the imagination of our management, artists, producers, writers, and directors, we are perpetually in motion, changing up the game, and keeping in step with the dynamic world of today's consumers. Please make sure you frequent our site regularly to realize the latest in multi-ethnic, multi-cultural venues certain to deliver the sort of entertainment today's audiences demand.
Universal Artists International, Audition, Stern McGovern, Worldwide, Management, Entertainment, Charity
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Welcome to Universal Artists, International!

Welcome to Universal Artists, International, where we provide both quantity and quality. It’s our mission at Universal Artists, International to offer stimulating, scintillating, video and audio fare for viewers and listeners worldwide with discerning tastes.

Effectively creating the world of tomorrow through the imagination of our management, artists, producers, writers, and directors, we are perpetually in motion, changing up the game, and keeping in step with the dynamic world of today’s consumers.

Please make sure you frequent our site regularly to realize the latest in multi-ethnic, multi-cultural venues certain to deliver the sort of entertainment today’s audiences demand.


“The Next Sensation”

View Americans and other nationals go head-to-head with Filipinos as they vie to become the “Next Sensation”.

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“Last Rapper Standing”

Watch heated bouts of verbal sparring as America and other nations collide for the position as pinnacle rapper of the world..

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“Star Quest”

In the tradition of trailblazing global phenom, Joe Stern-McGovern, new, fresh faces take to the road in search of their own place..

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About Us

Universal Artists, International, was founded in 2005 by it’s President, Joe Stern-McGovern, as a global partnership determined to consistently bring its audiences the sort of programs today’s market demands, always quality, always cutting edge, and filled with diversity.

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Universal Artists, International cordially invites all prospective individuals or parties interested in participating in any of our programs to formally submit their electronic kit.

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